Mark Gladman
Former Detective Constable
Flying Squad, Legal Representative
Mark is a former Met detective who served for 30 years between August 1988 until his retirement in September 2018. He is now a Qualified Legal Representative working for numerous law firms throughout London and the Home Counties.
His initial policing career began at Carter Street Police Station in South London, where he spent nine years in uniform before progressing to the CID. He later transferred to Lewisham as a detective where he worked on a proactive Burglary / Robbery Squad at a time when these offences were particularly prevalent. Within this role he would routinely work the streets and conduct immediate identifications of suspects where appropriate. Mark became adept in this area, recognising the evidential value to these procedures as a means of securing best evidence at an early stage.
He later served at Westminster and Peckham, investigating numerous offences including child abduction, serious assaults, and a complex fraud, the latter taking him to both Malaysia and Thailand. He was an active detective in some of the most challenging areas of London where crime and violence were at high levels.
In 2007 Mark was selected for the Flying Squad where he successfully completed both the Firearms and Surveillance Courses. Over the following 11 years he would go on to utilise these skills to proactively target serious and organised criminals operating within the higher echelons of armed criminality. Of note was the conviction of a dangerous male for the attempted murder of a security guard who had been shot with a sawn-off shotgun during an armed raid.
Throughout his service Mark received numerous commendations including Assistant Commissioner’s and Crown Court Judge’s. Mark gained a reputation as being a firm but fair officer.
Upon retirement Mark qualified through Cardiff University as a Police Station Legal Advisor. He now regularly represents persons in police interviews, covering all offences from relatively minor matters to serious cases including serious assaults, drug supply, money laundering and murder.
Mark’s previous police experience provides him with a unique perspective of seeing the picture from both sides of the Criminal Justice System and he continues to maintain the high standards expected of him by both police and those he represents.