Paul Kemp
Former Detective Superintendent
PIP 3 & 4, Murder Investigator
Paul is a former Detective Superintendent from South Wales Police, having served 30 years, then was a senior manager with the National Crime Agency (NCA). He is PIP3 and PIP4 accredited, a highly skilled investigations professional with an outstanding track record of conducting, leading, and advising on major, complex, and serious crime and Counter Terrorism.
He was Head of Major Crime, South Wales Police where he directly led the investigation of over 100 murders and other serious crime, including kidnap, serious sexual offences, rape, and counter terrorism. He was a member of the ACPO (now NPCC) Homicide Working Group and a member of the project team that researched & produced the Murder Manual. He is a lead for Investigative Interviewing and is trained to deal with Kidnap & Extortion.
He was Head of Welsh Extremist Counter Terrorist Unit (WECTU). Responsible for assessing and minimizing the terrorist threat and delivery of the Counter Terrorist Contest strategy. He coordinated and tasked operations across four police force areas and where necessary leading covert and overt investigations.
He was later a Senior Investigator/ National Adviser, Investigations Command with the National Crime Agency. He led investigations into serious & complex crime, providing specialist strategic and tactical advice to UK forces law and the military police. He managed and directed a team of specialist investigators.
Paul was the Principal Adviser to Dyfed Powys Police following the abduction & murder of April Jones. He has been deployed internationally with a specialist team to advise in difficult and protracted investigations including- Annecy, France where he gave advice to Gendarmerie following the murders and attempted murders of five members of a British family.
He took a leading role in the continuous professional development and training of senior detectives. He has accumulated and maintained cutting edge knowledge of contemporary investigation methods.
He has also been the Senior Investigator Major Cases, HSBC Bank Middle East. He managed the investigation of insider threat, bribery & corruption, money laundering, serious fraud, terrorist financing and sanctions in the middle east region. He developed and delivered investigative interview training to HSBC investigators in Turkey, Oman, Egypt and Qatar.
Paul also possesses a trainer’s qualification and regularly delivers investigative training to senior investigators in the UK and recently in Myanmar.